My portrait on the back of Mum's car certainly turns heads when we are driving along! You can see the terraced slopes of British Camp behind me with more of the Malvern Hills in the background. This is our favourite walk and now Mum is only working part-time we can get up there more often.
This photo of me listening to the music from the Big Chill from my vantage point on British Camp was printed in the Malvern Gazette in summer 2010 with the caption 'Suki gets a thrill from the Big Chill'. Quite nice to be famous from traditional media coverage as well as this website!
And this is the picture which Mum has as the background on her laptop. It reminds us of our holidays in Boscastle - you would not believe that this gentle river is the same one that flooded the harbour in August 2004!
Now back to the hills! Here we are walking along the lower fortifications of British Camp (or the Herefordshire Beacon) - might have been Caratacus's last stand against the Romans.
Herefordshire and Wales are behind us here.
Somewhere down there is the kiosk by the car-park where my friends always leave some water out for me (the rock cakes are very good as well!)
I think Mum is asking my permission to put the lead on as we walk back to the car-park: I don't mind because I know she likes to pretend that she has some sort of control over me when we cross the road to the kiosk.
That reminded us to look for the photo of my 5th birthday party last December at the kiosk! This is where we like to go most Sunday lunchtimes, even in the rain or snow. Now it's time to catch up with some of my friends ...
My friend Tod is very musical, as you can see. He is performing at a Christmas Eve 2008 celebration.
Lottie is also very musical - she is the mascot for the band which Mum plays in.
It is unlikely that I will ever meet sweet little Harvey because he lives in Jindrichuv Hradec - a long way away from me in Malvern!
And just for those of you who think that I never move quickly - here it looks as if I am trying to leapfrog over one of my friends on the hills!
Archie and I often meet on the hills for a chat!
This was taken during a photo-shoot on the hills - Digby's Mum wanted my Dad to take photos of him for her Christmas card this year. Digby was rather shy with me at first (he is only 7 months old) but he soon realised that I wanted to be his friend.
Something I have really enjoyed this Christmas is learning to use Skype to see my friends all around the world. Here I am catching up on Pusinka's latest news from just outside Prague. We showed each other our toy pheasants and we agreed that they are our favourite toy at the moment. Pusinka is a bit younger than me and you can see her photo on my 'friends' page.
first page
Suki page 3