Pyrrha's Roman Pages and the Rescue Shelter

Suki's first Christmas and first anniversary with us!

It took them a long time to realise that all I needed were a few treats to make me sit still with this silly hat on!

This white stuff is rather interesting!

- it has taken them until now to realise that I have been undoing my car harness on a regular basis for ages now! (they kept blaming each other for not fastening it properly, but it takes me less than 3 seconds to undo the clasp!)

This is one of my favourite places to relax after a hard day.

I love playing in the stream - I think the action shots are quite good.
All of these photos were taken on the anniversary of the day they collected me from Devon - my adoptive birthday!

This one is rather like an Impressionist painting!

Very regal! Look at the water glistening on my face and chest.

Can you spot my lead in this photo? - the magic of digital photography!

first page

Suki page 3

Suki page 4

Suki's friends

Tommy, Shelley and Jasper

Suki at almost a year old

Suki at the Dog Show

Now I am Two!

                  Pyrrha's Roman Pages and the Animal Rescue Shelter