Pyrrha's Roman Pages

Christmas 2006 - 7

I chose this bird from the pet shop for my 4th birthday : as well as squeaking, its wings crackle when I pounce on them - and they always think I am wrecking something of theirs so they come rushing to see what I am doing.

This is the Obstacle Race at Lisa's Christmas party for dogs. We didn't win anything, but I know Mum enjoyed it a lot (and so did I!)

This is Christmas Eve 2006. They won't leave my presents under the tree because they know I will open them. They haven't put any chocolate decorations on the tree this year either! This morning when we went to see Ben I managed to get one of the Czech chocolates from his tree but then I was kept out of the room with the tree in it.

The decorations are looking good again this year. You can see the coloured lanterns outside the house which always make it so welcoming to come home to.

first page

Suki page 3

Suki page 4

Suki's friends

Tommy, Shelley and Jasper

Suki at almost a year old

Suki's first Christmas

Dog Shows

Suki aged 2 - 4


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