Pyrrha's Roman Pages and the Rescue Shelter
Suki page 1
Suki page 2
Suki page 4
Suki's friends
Tommy, Shelley and Jasper
Suki at almost a year old
Suki's Christmas 2003
Suki page 3
June 2003

Suki with Malcolm on his birthday.

I love opening boxes!
- and I'm sure this new computer will soon have LOADS of photos of me on it (perhaps some video as well!)

This is my friend Murphy and we are watching the dogs in the ring at the Rescue Shelter's Dog Show - but why didn't they enter us in any of the classes? We would have won the lot!
Wearing two parsley garlands from the Upper 6th Classics Leavers' Party.

I know there are biscuits inside this ball - but how do I get them all out?
I really enjoyed Sports Day yesterday afternoon - met lots of new friends!
Here I am in front of the memorials to Tommy and Shelley. There is one flower out on the 'Tommy tree' - too high for me to reach. I have already 'pruned' Shelley's rose just when the flowers were about to appear, but now it has produced three more little buds - wonder if I should let these flower?
first page
second page
Suki page 4
Suki's friends
Tommy, Shelley and Jasper
Suki at almost a year old
Suki's Christmas 2003
Pyrrha's Roman Pages and the Animal Rescue Shelter