Pyrrha's Roman Pages and the Rescue Shelter
Suki page 2
April - end of May 2003

Danny and Vasek sent Suki two squeaky toys from Prague : 'Co'ze?' and 'Ctyri'. (tSo - zhyeh and Chtear - zhee)
I'll get Co'ze?, whatever he is!

Suki enjoys her story book sent from Eva, Vasek and Tomas.
If Ben thinks I can't get at him up there, he's wrong!

If I disguise myself as some washing, perhaps they'll peg me on the line.
Guess who's got the frisbee?

Will they ever get it back?
The official birthday photo at 21 (weeks).
The choice of plant-pots is at least as important as the arrangement of flowers in the tubs!
previous page
Suki page 3
Suki page 4
Suki's friends
Tommy, Shelley and Jasper
Suki at almost a year old
Suki's Christmas 2003
Suki at the Dog Show
Now I am Two!
Suki aged 4
index page to both websites