Most Roman tombstones follow a set pattern, so if you are not put off by abbreviations or words spilling over from one line to the next, you can decipher them quite easily.
By studying tombstone inscriptions we can get to know individuals as well as learn about the movement of troops around the Roman Empire.
explains how to interpret a tombstone inscription using a Decoding leaflet which is no longer commercially available, but which contains the same information you can see if you scroll down this page.
tombstone decoder can be seen here
You can use this page to help you to translate: clicking on the various sections will take you to the information lists you need .....
his or her name (1st two names if a Roman citizen) [see list A]
- F
- Filius = son of -
his voting-tribe [see list B]
his 3rd name if he is a Roman citizen
his birthplace [see list B]
army rank, profession or status [see list C]
his legion, cavalry regiment or squadron [see list D]
Vixit Annos - = he/she lived for - years [see list E]
Stipendiorum - = - years of paid service [see list E]
Heres (or Heredes) Faciendum Curavit (or Curaverunt) = the heir(s) had [the stone] made OR
H P Heredes Posuerunt , OR
sometimes the heirs will be mentioned by name.
A = Aulus G = Gaius
Cn = Gnaeus
I = Iulius
L = Lucius
M = Marcus
P = Publius
Q = Quintus
S = Spurius
SEX = Sextus
T = Titus
Ti = Tiberius
Val = Valerius
There are too many voting tribes and places of birth to list here. In the case of Roman citizens the word before his 3rd name will be his voting tribe (eg POLLIA or PAPIRIA) and the one(s) after his 3rd name will be his birthplace. Both are usually abbreviated, so don't worry if you can't identify them precisely!
CIVIS = citizen or tribesman
PAGO = from the district of ...
BEN=BENEFICIARIUS = seconded for special duties
> = CENTURIO = centurion
EQVES = cavalryman
MIL = MILES = soldier
OPT = OPTIO = lieutenant
SIGNIFER = standard-bearer
TRIB = TRIBUNUS = tribune
VET = VETERANUS = veteran, retired soldier
F, FIL, FILIUS = son
DOMINUS = master
LIBERTUS/I = freedman/men
PARENTES = parents
PATER = father
PATRONUS = patron
SACERDOS DEAE SULIS = priest of the goddess Sulis Minerva