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Harry Potter Latin Quiz
HARRY POTTER, characters, names and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros © 2001 accio - I summon, call to me arduus - steep, high arma - weapons, armour augeo - I increase dens - a tooth dormio - I sleep (dormiens is a present participle : sleeping) draco - a snake or dragon ex - out of, from expello - I send away expectoro - I send out from my chest / heart (pectus means chest or heart) exspecto - I wait for / expect / need Hermes - the (Greek) name of the Messenger god. (His Roman name is Mercury). imperium - power, area of supreme authority impero - I order or command incendium - a fire incendo - I kindle, set alight levo - I make light. (levitas = lightness) lumen - light ludo - I play Minerva - the Roman goddess of Wisdom nox - night, darkness nunquam (or numquam) - never patronus - a protector or sponsor Sirius - the Roman name for the star known as the Dog-star titillo - I tease / tickle (titillandus is a gerundive : should be teased / tickled) ![]() Harry says expecto Patronum to conjure up an image which drives away Dementors. The word Patronus ends in the letter 'm' when it is the object of a verb (Latin accusative case). There are two possible derivations for 'expecto'. It might mean 'I need' (from 'exspecto') or 'I send out from my heart / chest' (from 'expectoro' - 'pectus' is heart or chest). (Can you see why some cough medicines are described as 'expectorant'?) click here to return to the questions ![]() Hermione says wingardium leviosa to make the feather rise. 'wing' is an English word and is probably here used as a verb : fly up! 'ardium' possibly comes from 'arduus' = steeply or high. 'levo' = I make light, and 'levitas' = lightness. ('-osa' is a typical ending for an adjective in Latin). click here to return to the questions ![]() lumos makes a light appear at the end of a wand - and nox switches it off again. 'lumen' = light, and 'nox' = night click here to return to the questions ![]() imperio is an Unforgivable Curse which puts someone in the power of a wizard. It comes from the verb 'impero' = I order - or it could be the Ablative case of the noun 'imperium', meaning 'in (my) power'. click here to return to the questions ![]() incendio will start a fire when required. It comes from the verb 'incendo' = I kindle, set alight - or it could be the Ablative case of the noun 'incendium', meaning 'with fire'. click here to return to the questions ![]() Ludo works in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. 'ludo' = I play. Professor McGonagall's first name is Minerva - the Roman goddess of Wisdom, and Hermes the owl takes messages between wizards. (Hermes is the messenger god). Sirius is the Roman name for the star known as the Dog-Star, and Sirius Black can change into a dog when he wishes to do so. click here to return to the questions ![]() expelliarmus will disarm an enemy. It comes from the verb 'expello' = I thrust away or expel PLUS the noun 'arma' which means armour or weapons. click here to return to the questions ![]() densaugeo is the spell which hit Hermione by mistake and made her teeth grow. It comes from the noun 'dens' = tooth PLUS the verb 'augeo' = I increase click here to return to the questions ![]() accio will bring an object to a wizard or witch. It comes from the verb 'accio' = I call to myself, summon click here to return to the questions ![]() A sleeping dragon should never be tickled 'dormiens' (sleeping) and 'titillandus' (should be tickled / teased) both agree with 'draco' = dragon. nunquam (or numquam or nusquam) means never, in no circumstances. (N.B. The English word 'agenda' is the same kind of word as 'titillandus' - a gerundive. It means '[things which] should be done' or '[things] needing to be done'.) click here to return to the questions return to top of page Classical Computers Quiz
Harry Potter Animals Quiz (no Latin!)