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Click below to move to another tombstones page:
Two Roman Tombstones
Deciphering Tombstone Inscriptions
inscriptions to translate
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Although the top part of the carving is missing, you should be able to tell Tancinus' rank in the army! Notice that his father does not have a Roman name and that Tancinus himself is a 'cives Hispanus', a Spanish citizen. (C R in line 6 shows that his regiment had all been awarded Roman citizenship)
You can see this stone in the Roman Baths museum at Bath.
L. VITELLIVS [see list A]
CIVES. HISPanus. CAVRIESIS [see list B]
EQues [see list C]
ALAE VETTONUM C. R. [see list D]
ANN. XXXXVI [see list E]
STIP. XXVI [see list E]
H. S. E.
click here to remind yourself of the standard framework.
An easy stone to translate because we only have the top part of it preserved! The carving shows an old man draped in a military cloak.
This stone is in Gloucester City Museum.
D. M.
L. VAL [see list A]
VET [see list C]
LEG. XX [see list D]
click here to remind yourself of the standard framework.
Facilis' stone shows the uniform of a centurion very clearly. He is holding his symbol of office, his vine stick, in his right hand.
It is thought that when Colchester was sacked during the Boudican rebellion of AD 60 this stone fell face-down and this enabled its carving to be preserved in such good condition.
M FAVONius [see list A]
M. F.
POLlia [see list B]
> [see list C]
LEG XX [see list D]
H. S. E.
This photograph is shown by courtesy of the Colchester and Essex museum.
click here to remind yourself of the standard framework.
Notice the detail of Longinus Sdapeze's chainmail and the ornamental trappings on his horse.
It is not possible to give an equivalent for the cavalry rank of Duplicarius, but according to the historian Livy, they received twice the pay of the ordinary cavalrymen.
PAGO SARDI [see list B]
ANNO XL [see list E]
AEROR . XV (AEROR means the same as 'STIP') [see list E]
H. S. E.
This photograph is shown by courtesy of the Colchester and Essex museum.
click here to remind yourself of the standard framework.
tombstone information lists
standard framework for tombstone inscriptions
Dis Manibus = to the Underworld gods.
his or her name (1st two names if a Roman citizen)
- F
- Filius = son of -
his voting-tribe
his 3rd name if he is a Roman citizen
his birthplace
army rank, profession or status
his legion, cavalry regiment or squadron
Vixit Annos - = he/she lived for - years
Stipendiorum - = - years of paid service
Heres (or Heredes) Faciendum Curavit (or Curaverunt) = the heir(s) had [the stone] made OR
H P Heredes Posuerunt , OR
sometimes the heirs will be mentioned by name.
Hic Situs/Sita Est = Here he/she lies.
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LIST A first names
A = Aulus G = Gaius
Cn = Gnaeus
I = Iulius
L = Lucius
M = Marcus P = Publius
Q = Quintus
S = Spurius
SEX = Sextus
T = Titus
Ti = Tiberius
Val = Valerius
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LIST B voting tribe and birthplace
There are too many voting tribes and places of birth to list here. In the case of Roman citizens the word before his 3rd name will be his voting tribe (eg POLLIA or PAPIRIA) and the one(s) after his 3rd name will be his birthplace. Both are usually abbreviated, so don't worry if you can't identify them precisely!
CIVIS = citizen or tribesman
PAGO = from the district of ...
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LIST C rank, status or profession
BEN=BENEFICIARIUS = seconded for special duties
> = CENTURIO = centurion
EQVES = cavalryman
MIL = MILES = soldier
OPT = OPTIO = lieutenant
SIGNIFER = standard-bearer
TRIB = TRIBUNUS = tribune
VET = VETERANUS = veteran, retired soldier
F, FIL, FILIUS = son
DOMINUS = master
LIBERTUS/I = freedman/men
PARENTES = parents
PATER = father
PATRONUS = patron
SACERDOS DEAE SULIS = priest of the goddess Sulis Minerva
CONIUX PIENTISSIMA = very loyal wife
LIBERTA CONIUNX = freedwoman wife
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LIST D legion, squadron or cohort
Legion LEGIO
Several legions were given honorary names :
II AVG (AVGVSTA) = 2nd Augustan
II ADPF (ADIVTRIX PIA FIDELIS) = 2nd Helper, Loyal and True
VI VICTRIX = 6th Victorious
VIIII HISP (HISPANA) = 9th Spanish
XIIII GEM (GEMINA) = 14th Twin
XXVV (VALERIA VICTRIX) = 20th Courageous and Victorious
Cavalry Regiment ALA
PRIMA TRACUM = 1st squadron of Thracians
VETTONUM = squadron of Vettones
Some are named, eg:
Troop of 32 men TURMA
This would be known by its leader's name, eg: TVR CANDIDI = Candidus' troop
Auxiliary Cohort COHORS
COH II THR = 2nd Thracian
CHO VI TRACVM = 6th Thracian
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LIST E Roman numerals
V = 5
VI = 6
X = 10
XI = 11
XV = 15
XX = 20
XL = 40
L = 50
LX = 60
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Click below to move to another tombstones page:
Two Roman Tombstones
Deciphering Tombstone Inscriptions